Eye Health Assessment

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Eye Health Assessment

A comprehensive eye examination does not only involve the checking of eye-power but also includes the examination of eye health. At Leong Yew Optical, we provide anterior and posterior eye health checks. The anterior check helps to detect any cataract or contact lens complications, and the posterior check helps to pick up any retinal eye diseases, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or any eye-disorders caused by systemic health complications. 

Our eye-health assessment includes:

  • Fundus Camera

    A fundus camera captures coloured images of the fundus, which is the back part of your eye. This allows for diagnosis documentation and monitoring of any retina conditions. 

  • IOP Tonometer

    This instrument measures the Intraocular Pressure (IOP) using a puff of air. High pressure could be an indication of glaucoma; hence, it can be used to detect and monitor glaucoma.

  • Optical Coherence Tomographer (OCT)

    Provides HD retinal image to assist in early detection, diagnosis and monitoring of various retinal disease e.g. diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) and glaucoma.